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Japan Walking Tour now finalised for 2025

I had the great fortune of visiting Japan late 2018 and enjoyed a self guided wander along the Nakasendo Pilgrim trail in central Honshu.  Oh. My. Goodness.  What a wonderful and magical experience it was.  From Bamboo forests, ancient towns and ancient crafts, busy industrious people with a refreshing sense of order. Leafy forest trails, waterfalls and features, shrines on hilltops and stunning autumn colours.  I have taken all that I learnt and created an exceptional Japan Walk holiday featuring the Nakasendo, but also weighing in with extensive cedar forests that hold 1000 year old trees within their hardly visited Nature Parks on the island of Yakushima.  Add some sake and miso brewing, wasabi farm visit, traditional tea making, origami and calligraphy to round out the walking and food  ‘par excellence’  that Japan offers.

Itinerary and pricing are now live.   Suppliers were able to freeze the pricing we had for 2020, for the 2022 tour (so grateful!). So now we wait to see what Airline schedules will look like in 12 months from now.  These are not included.

Let us know what you think and if you would be interested to experience these rare and incredible places!

Register your interest by contacting us here.

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